What I Did FRONT-END: Now, for my most controversial set of works: theology. While it isn’t readily apparent from the outside, I’m a practicing Christian. However, I have an odd enough experience that it’s not going to express the same way as most Christians. I have a testimony/story that outlines the most relevant points. Of […]
2023-06-19 Obsession => Productivity System
There are several facts about the nature of what I write: These 3 thoughts together mean giving updates about my creative works is more of a marketing effort than any type of need-to-know basis, and it almost conflicts with my life’s purpose. Plus, I like the anonymity of being a C-list blogger. As a full […]
2023-05-02 Work + Fun = Success
What I Did FRONT-END: After months of waiting, I’m finally introducing interesting GainedInSite essays for the non-philosophical reader. We start with the world of decisions: Then, it moves to the world of actions and their consequences: Finally, the domain of interpersonal human interactions, and I can now certify with these essays that I’m officially human: […]
2023-03-30 Sorrow + Decisions = Success
What I Did FRONT-END: Yet more GainedInSite essays finished by my diligent wife. We’ve now moved into the domain of conscious perception: First, the realm of conscious perception: Further, some extrapolation of the processing we add to our thoughts: I also felt it was a good time to compile my favorite stories, so that’s something. […]
2023-02-23 Perfection = Waste
What I Did FRONT-END: More GainedInSite essays finished review by my lovely wife, all of them devoted to unpacking the latent subconscious phenomenology that empowers us all to think and act: First, the “Animal Self”: Then, the subconscious perceptions themselves: Finally, the domain of habits: BACK-END: I’ve finally finished TheoLogos, for now. Still have to […]
2023-01-27 Certainty = Risk
What I Did FRONT-END: My first proper GainedInSite essays have been edited by my Snoobly Yoogers: BACK-END: I began this week unpacking the awfulness that represents awful bureaucratic systems. It represents the end of my GainedInSite voyage, and in my personal life, the end of something else. What I Learned A few experiences, back-to-back, have […]
2023-01-05 Meaning ≠ ~Meaning
What I Did FRONT-END: Quite a few data-heavy escapades that I coloquially enjoy calling “Philosodata”: Also, a few “Adequate Data” as well: BACK-END: The mania has cooled to an even keel since the past week or two. Creativity is a bit like operating a firehose or toddler: direct the chaos, but never stifle it completely […]
2022-12-22 Data Dump: EXP Gained
What I Did FRONT-END: I’ve gotten nothing officially pushed out. My editor/cohabitant/lover/friend/coparent and I have now moved our household, so that’s been a minor distraction to everything else. It’s amazing how much life’s events ripple everywhere. Our decrease in doing anything productive was further magnified by the maintenance requirements of two small, inexperienced people who […]
2022-11-04 Preparation = Success
What I Did FRONT-END: Many improvements to my AdequateLife cooking page, mostly by dividing the information into multiple pages: I’ve also improved my health pages, with one additional page: Then, I diverged into some basics on how to have fun correctly: And next, to maintain the mood, I shifted to the art of managing hardship, […]
2022-10-09 Work ≠ Done
What I Did FRONT-END: Quite a few improvements to my job-seeking guides. Further, a few new companion guides for the tech industry specifically: I decided to postpone anything about technical interviewing because, honestly, I’d have to be more savvy on programming before I have any authority on the matter. BACK-END: I’ve expanded on iCoULdfAiL a […]