Creativity is a type of sickness. You get an infection, and feel compelled to build until the thing has finally migrated from inside your mind to the world around you. I’ve been note-taking about the essence of reality for about a decade. I’ve finally done it: essays about everything. I’m sincerely proud of this creation, […]
2020-07-19 Lots of InSite
You will always miss all the attempts you never made. The fear of failure stops us short from trying. Sometimes, we’re being rather sensible. I now have 39 more Essays to build. Though I’ve published the heck out of the other 37 or so, this journey is probably about halfway done: AdequateLife Guides: pwned GainedInSite […]
2020-06-04 Adequately Sited
I find citations difficult. If we were to be precisely thorough, how much of our citations would not go back to children’s television or our family members? I once remember hearing that common sense is “the set of prejudices acquired by adulthood”. Seeing as how culture follows information, and info is constantly morphing and adapting, […]
2020-05-06 Adequately Posting
I hate the concept of “updates”. While advertising things is important, why should I clutter your preferred wall/inbox/RSS reader/rolodex with stuff that you don’t care about? To me, it feels like waste. It’s a bit like when someone sends the text message: “k”. There are more zeros and ones communicating where to send the message, […]
2020-04-13 Functional Dysfunction
No matter how much data we consume, our human nature is still story-based. I want to share my story so far, since you’ve been faithfully subscribing. This huge project of mine is coming along nicely. I believe I’ve gotten past the most depressing part of it: the outlining. For those of you just tuning in, […]
2020-02-28 Applied Insight
Even if we’re thick-headed and stubborn, we can’t help learning from our environment. After a certain point, we require a creative output of all this pent-up sentiment. With high-functioning ASD, that sentiment is harder to put into words. I usually end up writing something, then reversing all the paragraphs to make the audience understand my […]
2019-12-27 Cleaning Up
Personal discoveries are profoundly useful to us, but not so much for others. Since I have for a while, however, believed that the personal/professional divide is far murkier than people often want to admit, I believe a little transparency is in order. I’ve been a bit negligent on my efforts to do anything lately. Most […]
2019-10-03 Abstract Explanations
There’s a well-forgotten movie that came out approximately March 19th, 1979 called The China Syndrome. Near the end of the movie, the nuclear plant manager is supposed to communicate an important fact to the public that pivots the story’s plot. He’s stuck trying to convert more than a decade of esoteric nuclear experience into simple […]
2019-09-05 How To Money
More content made. I’m finally getting back-end control of my workflow to finally free up my brain to build front-end stuff that people want to consume. The latest development is a series of guides about money. First, a primer on why money management matters much. Then, a summary of what debt is and how it […]
2019-08-04 TheoLogos Shipped
If you go to this site, you’ll learn about Christianity. It’s just the facts without the fluff and misinterpretation. I’ve heard someone once say that five minutes of a habit every day for a month is better than 3 hours a week. I can attest to that. From my informal and biased point of view, […]