What I Did FRONT-END: This Meta-Project has been difficult. I’m still marching forward, but it involves many hours of dedication to get it right. However, even with a few personal issues impeding my progress, I’ve accomplished rebuilding a hefty run of self-help guides, with my Booger Nooger’s editing help. Mind improvement: People skills: Home management: […]
2022-08-03 Quality ≠ Publicity
What I Did FRONT-END: Marching forward in The Meta-Project, it’s been an endurance race: BACK-END: I have done little to nothing back-end because of my dedication to The Project. I guess the fact that I paced myself out on how I should publish stuff counts, right? What I Learned ABSTRACT: Getting things done is a […]
2022-07-02 Meaning ≠ Doing
What I Did FRONT-END: I’ve done more in the last couple weeks than the four months before that. My writing has been a blur of activity, and I have pushed out a shedload of content: BACK-END: I’ve rearranged my organization system a few times. Right now, I was able to create a foldering mechanism inspired […]
2022-05-27 Learning => Slowdown
What I Did FRONT-END: Not A Genius is now live. I haven’t migrated much over to it yet, and I still have to decide on how I want to parse AdequateLife in light of it. I’ve also rebuilt this site to conform to, well, a more accurate depiction of myself after the ish that’s happened […]
2022-04-05 Success = 3 or More Things
What I Did FRONT-END: I made an essay today on the Five Solas for TheoLogos. BACK-END: Notion has been a good system. It reminds me of the times nearly a decade ago when I found Evernote and Todoist, and that moment a few years ago when TreeSheets became the best mindmap/list app I’ve ever used. […]
2022-02-02 Bite-Size > Large-Scale
What I Did PRODUCING: I’ve been unemployed lately, though I’ve been poking around with TechSplained and pushing a few pages out. As far as what I could get out the door: I’ve also written an essay for TheoLogos: A Large Upward Trend. BACK-END: In the mix of all the work, Raindrop has been insufficient for […]
What I Did 2021 has been a particularly difficult year for me. I’m working to get past the absolutely traumatic experience of a legal battle I didn’t deserve, my professional reputation destroyed, and the aftermath of it. At this point, I’m not comfortable talking about it, since the internet is a very unsafe place for […]
What I Did My life is frantic, and still miserable. However, I have gotten a much larger handle on the chaos. First, I consolidated my TechSplained “to go through” pile. I had had them classified them into 3 categories: To make more sense of it all, I was able to condense those boxes down to […]
What I Did I’ve been in a very, very crazy period of my life. It’s an emotional rollercoaster, but it’s slowly coming to an end. In spite of that, I’ve been working ceaselessly at many, many things: I’ve fallen out of practice updating, so I’m sure there’s more, but those are all the public-facing things, […]
What I Did Like my forays into adequately living well and the philosophical truths of reality, I created a folder convention to sort through the many facets of computers technologies. I’m porting the entire experience out to TechSplained. The first part was simple enough. I went back into the stuff I started on in November […]