What I Did Pounded my head into a big pile of not-sure-these-piles-are-big-hoo-boy-I-don’t-want-to-do-them elements. I also grouped the files into 30-file folders. More marching along, but I’m making headway. What I Learned Momentum is difficult to maintain, but even harder to regain. After my vacation, it’s been absolute torture getting back on track. I’m barely getting […]
2024-06-04 Walden, Waldout
What I Did I went on vacation, so not much done relative to other updates. However, there’s still value in basic maintenance throughout each day. More on that in the next section. More technical debt payments. I did use the time to divide-and-conquer the worst part of the pile. What I Learned Vacations are overrated, […]
2024-05-16 Tribalism -> Decay
What I Did More technical debt payments. Nothing new to report there. It gets boring at times. I’m also slowly creating a new workstation in preparation for an upcoming trip. Also nothing exciting to talk about there. What I Learned What is exciting to talk about is a new discovery of how societies break apart. […]
2024-05-07 The Technical Debt Snowball
What I Did I’ve been atomizing the groups into their respective domains. It’s tedious work, but I’ve been learning to enjoy it, especially after my Technical Debt Snowball (more in the next section). Plenty of drudgery, nothing interesting to talk about, though I was able to add actionable TheoLogos reading list items instead of letting […]
2024-04-24 Someone Stole What I Stole
I have a severe love of order. This post defies that order, since I’ve been blasting through things recently and wanted to post about it. I told myself I’d do it twice a month. But, it’s my blog, and nobody says I can’t be sporadic, so here we go. What I Did Working through more […]
2024-04-16 A Shifting World
As you may know from the deluge of information, Iran has attacked Israel and that means World War 3 somehow. It’s only sensible to stay eternally freaked-out about everything, especially with election season in play. I mean, think of all the good that anxiety does for us! What I Did Many of my piles were […]
2024-04-08 Absolute Lunacy
Happy lunar eclipse day! Please send me a message for anything I missed about the failed prophecies for the end of the world. Imagine if the lunar eclipse happened precisely 7 months from now! What I Did FRONT-END: Nothing new to report in that domain. You’ll just have to be happy with what I’ve already […]
2024-03-26 Don’t Bother Reading This
What I Did FRONT-END: Absolutely nothing to publish for now. I feel no shame. BACK-END: This has been such a momentous event for me that I’m announcing an accomplishment. I could wait for another week, but this is exciting, and there’s nobody telling me I can’t, so I’ll take the legal risks and simply indicate […]
2024-03-15 Happy Pi(ROUNDUP) Day
What I Did FRONT-END: Some essays for you on computer input/output. These are peripheral to computing and, therefore, easy to output (get it?): BACK-END: I cleared out quite a bit, and was able to clear my Hacker-News-hyperlink-add sidequest at the literal eleventh hour (finished around 11:10 p.m. about an hour ago). Still with the yak […]
2024-03-01 Cogito Ergo Fatigatis
What I Did FRONT-END: I’ve almost cleared out the backlogged content edited a few months ago by my Wooby Goobers. This time, it’s about finding a job in the tech industry, which is an extension of my job-hunting series on AdequateLife: BACK-END: More yak shaving, more free online courses, so whee. I have discovered, and […]